Online Practise Group EVI

Cycle 1

online practise group 1
Taught by
Portrait of Anne-Marie Speed
Anne-Marie Speed
West End and International Vocal Coach – Film, Theatre, Musical Theatre, TV; Estill Mentor and Course Instructor (with Service Distinction & Advanced Testing Privileges), Estill Lifetime Achievement Award 2019 Read more
Time 9:00:–10:30 (UTC)
Venue Online
Term 1 September 13, 2024 – November 22, 2024
Term 2 January 10, 2025 – March 21, 2025
Term 3 April 25, 2025 – July 4, 2025
1 Term £180
2 Terms £340 (save £20)
3 Terms £500 (save £40)
Suitable for
people familiar with Estill Voice Training

Practise group for those who have attended a Complete 5 Day course (or Levels 1&2) in Estill Voice Training.

90 minute online practise groups running fortnightly from January 2022!

£30 a session!

Limited to 10 people per group!

Multiple groups can run simultaneously!

Sign Up for One Term – 6 sessions -Only £180!!

Buy two terms for £340! Save £20!!

Buy three terms for £500! Save £40!!

  • Estill Figure and Voice Quality practise with expert guidance
  • Individual feedback
  • Training and practise tips
  • Fun! Focussed! Practical!
  • Great value!

Taught by Anne-Marie or one of her Estill Master Trainers.

Term details

Term 1
9/13/24 – 11/22/24
13 September
Effort and False Vocal Folds
27 September
11 October
TVF Onset/Offset
25 October
TVF Body/Cover
8 November
22 November
Power(Breathing) and Anchoring - Head and Neck
Term 2
1/10/25 – 3/21/25
10 January
Power(Breathing) and Anchoring - Torso
24 January
7 February
Larynx Height/Siren/Pitch
21 February
7 March
21 March
Review, Q&As + Intro to Voice Qualities
Term 3
4/25/25 – 7/4/25
25 April
Speech Quality
9 May
Falsetto Quality
23 May
Cry/Sob Quality
6 June
Twang Quality
20 June
Opera Quality
4 July
Belt Quality
Taught by
Portrait of Anne-Marie Speed
Anne-Marie Speed
West End and International Vocal Coach – Film, Theatre, Musical Theatre, TV; Estill Mentor and Course Instructor (with Service Distinction & Advanced Testing Privileges), Estill Lifetime Achievement Award 2019 Read more