What is Estill Voice Training?

“I don’t want to know what to feel emotionallyI want to know what to do! Frustrated singer, prior to lessons.

Do you feel increasingly disheartened with your voice lessons? Have you reached a barrier that seems impossible to break through? Are you doing the practise but have stopped improving?

Then you need a different approach with a different perspective and different exercises!

Estill Voice Training is an evidence based system that uniquely combines science with meaningful practise. It is the result of more than 30 years of groundbreaking research by the American singer, scientist and pedagogue, Jo Estill. Her unique system of voice training identifies the structures that produce voice (in the larynx) along with those that create and shape sound (in the vocal tract) providing reliable, predictable control of voice production. Her extraordinary work has placed her among the truly great voice scientists of the 20th century.

In Estill Voice Training, voice production is separated into three distinct disciplines:


Craft is Technique, understanding and gaining predictable, reliable control of the voice. How do you get the best from your voice by gaining access to all of your voice?

Artistry is engaging with that technical information imaginatively, creatively and artistically so that we can hear your voice while at the same time, serving the writing and music in the best way.

Metaphysics is creating the ‘unforgettable experience for the audience’ as Jo Estill used to say. This is the psychology of performance - how do you get yourself out of the way so you can perform your best? She likened it to ‘getting in the zone’ as it is described in sports.

How do we do this?

With Estill, you learn what voice feels like and not just what it sounds like.

A series of vocal exercises called Figures train independent voluntary control of structures essential to voice production. They are based on everyday sounds that you have made all your life as well as natural behaviours such as laughing and crying. The student is guided to observe specific initial muscular changes which are then practised, honed and isolated.

The performer gains unprecedented understanding and control over their voice.

For example:

Have you been told to ‘lift your soft palate’? What instruction were you given to achieve this? Some people are told to open the mouth wide and and lower the tongue. This may, by chance lift the soft palate but it is also moving the tongue and larynx, confusing feedback and preventing independent control.

Some of the structures the 13 Figures help isolate include:

The true and false vocal folds (distinguishes voice production from strain) The height of the larynx (essential for efficient pitch production and controlling timbre) The soft palate (controlling nasality, vocal stability)

…to name just three of the thirteen structures Estill identifies and trains.

Estill Voice Training is targeted muscle practise. And because you can feel it, you train it!

Estill Voice Training is not a technique but the clearest explanation of voice production there is – with exercises!

Estill works for all voices, all genres, all ages, speaking or singing, at whatever stage of training from a student starting out to the most experienced professional.

No more reliance on vague imagery!

Stop listening to your voice and start listening to your body!

What Estill Voice Training can do for you?

Do you want to be free from vocal strain? There’s an exercise for that!

Do you want to extend your range, high or low? There’s an exercise for that too!

Do you want more vocal power? Guess what! You can learn to do that as well!

Do you just want to be better?

Whatever your vocal goals, Estill can help.

To learn more, join us on a course now!

You can also visit Estill Voice International here: www.estillvoice.com